
Monday, July 29, 2013

Inspiration: Tom Hiddleston

I am a huge nerd for those of you who may not know. I spent the majority of my weekend watching small panels from this year's Comic-Con in San Diego, specifically from The Nerd Machine. They hosted panels called "Conversations for a Cause" that helped raise money for Operation Smile (an organization to help children born with cleft lip/palate). The Nerd Machine was founded by Zachary Levi -- who you might remember from the awesome show "Chuck."

Anywaaaay...while filling my brain with people like Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk, Matt Smith, Steven Moffat, and Jenna Coleman, and so many more. But amidst all of those, there was one that caught my attention more than the others.

Tom Hiddleston. 

This man is amazing. Most people know him from his portrayal of Loki in Thor and The Avengers, as both were incredibly popular films in the past years. The upcoming movie Thor: The Dark World (out November 8th of this year), is perpetuating his fame even more. However, I learned a lot more about his character after watching the video below. I would definitely recommend watching it. If you've got an hour of your day to waste, do it!

Regardless, the whole point of this post is that watching the video below absolutely inspired me. I posted a quote that he had referred to on my Facebook page. It was from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream and said, "Take pains, be perfect." He then goes on to describe how to him, this means that it's ok to feel. He talks about doing what you love and how you've only got one life to live, so why waste it. Something about it really resonated with me.

I sometimes get into moods where I'm complacent with what I'm doing. My job works for now - it pays the bills, and it's not too incredibly difficult. But after watching this man speak, I feel like I'm meant for so much more. The hopes and dreams I have don't seem unreachable, and I feel my brain push me towards art, books and music. I hope this new found inspiration sticks with me and that Tom Hiddleston can help you into inspiration as well.

Monday, July 15, 2013


It's interesting how a kiss on the head is such a small sign of affection, but it can mean so much. Strange how the word beautiful can mean so much more than pretty. So many little things take on such a bigger meaning after time.

I'm fairly certain that despite my attempts to thwart it, I am and have always been a hopeless romantic. When in a relationship, especially one in it's infancy, things are so exciting and captivating. My brain craves cheesy love songs and movies, while my heart skips a beat at the tiniest of things. Aww is one of the most constantly used parts of my vocabulary during that time. It's like with the flip of a switch, I am transformed into a different person.

I mention this because I'm in a new relationship. He's an amazing guy. He's incredibly sweet and easy to talk to. His hobbies and interests mirror some of my own, without being overwhelmingly similar. I feel like we mesh well together and we're both incredibly honest with one another.

And here's the kicker...I get butterflies with him each and every time we're together. Don't get me wrong, I've gotten butterflies before in past relationships. But they always tend to fade quickly. Things get complacent and the spark loses its glow. The attraction is still there, but the excited feeling fades. However, with this guy, it hasn't happened yet and that's amazing to me. I've got a perpetual smile that won't seem to fade, and I'm ok with that.